Australian Swimwears

As the summer month quickly approaches and vacations are mandatory with prior booking, there's probably one thing on your mind, that is swimwear. We felt the swimwear market was lacking a label that was simple but sophisticated, so high-quality fabrications and beautifully tailored swimwear became our focus. We have intended to design swimsuits that create support from their construction and are functional from day to night. A swimsuit is an item of clothing that is designed to be worn by the people involved in water-based activity or water sports, such as swimming, diving and surfing, or sun-orientated activities, such as sunbathing. Swimwear is known by many names such as Bathing suit, swimming costumes, swimming trunks, bathers, etc. A swimsuit is worn as an undergarment in sports that require a wetsuit such as · Water-skiing · scuba diving · ...